

We want to be your go-to for all of your vertical surface needs — so we're asking for your input. We've got ten easy questions, and to say thanks we'll hook you up with a $100 discount code.
Ready to get started?

1. What best describes you?

2. Did the size of our samples work for your product specification?
3. What did you most like about the sample products?
(you can choose multiple)
4. What did you least like least about the sample products?
(you can choose multiple)
Care to explain?
5. What factors influenced your decision not to make a purchase subsequent to receiving a sample box?
6. If you love this product, how soon do you plan to order?
7. What improvements to our products would encourage you to order from kinney block?

8. If you answered ‘shorter lead time’ above, would you be willing to pay a higher price point to get your order faster?
9. Any notes for us?
Please explain:
10. To answer questions and learn about the endless possibilities with kinney block, would you be interested in a complimentary one-on-one consultation with our founder?

We want to have all of your walls covered (literally) — and we can't do that without your valuable feedback. Check your inbox for your $100 discount code. If you have any questions, shoot us a note at